Schindler’s Houses
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40 buildings by the Austro-American architect Rudolph Schindler from the years 1931 to 1952. Schindler’s pioneering work in Southern California is the cornerstone of a branch of modern architecture.
The Austrian-American architect Rudolph Schindler (1887-1953) worked with Louis Sullivan and Frank Lloyd Wright at the beginning of his career. Like Bruce Goff, he is a sin-gularity of modernism and the founder of his own Californian style of building. His turn away from the “International Style” isolated him in the world of architecture for many years. His style is characterized by the use of wood and by the unified design of furnishings for entire households. His own home, built in 1922 in West Hollywood, is considered an epochal masterpiece.
Festivals & Awards:
- Berlinale Forum, 2007
- Mar Del Plata Film Festival, 2007
- Buenos Aires International Festival of Independent Film, 2007
- Toronto Filmfestival, 2007
- Vancouver Filmfestival, 2007
- Viennale – Vienna International Film Festival, 2007
- New Horizons IFF, 2007
- Diagonale – Festival des österreichischen Films, 2009
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