Alfabeto Mangiarotti
The documentary film delves into the multifaceted career of Angelo Mangiarotti, a prominent Italian designer, architect, and sculptor, who defied the conventional boundaries between these disciplines. As a pioneer in postwar Italy, the film explores his innovative approach, deep understanding of materials, and cross-disciplinary work. Through interviews with collaborators, clients, and friends, it seeks to unravel the poetic and forward-thinking nature of his creations, shedding light on his significant impact on twentieth-century Italian design culture.
Festivals & Awards:
Milano Design Film Festival 2022 (Italy) – official selection
Master of art film festival 2023 (Bulgaria) – official selection
BARQ FESTIVAL | International Architecture Film Festival Barcelona 2023 – official selection
Rotterdam film festival 2023 (Netherlands) – official selection
Film and Architecture Festival 2023 (Prague, Hungary) – official selection
Alfabeto Mangiarotti
The documentary film delves into the multifaceted career of Angelo Mangiarotti, a prominent Italian designer, architect, and sculptor, who defied the conventional boundaries between these disciplines. As a pioneer in postwar Italy, the film explores his innovative approach, deep understanding of ...