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Stella the Stargazer

Small Space Living

Up Next in Small Space Living

  • Mansfield Container House

    Wanting to enjoy more time in Mount Buller without the hassle of travelling from Melbourne, Robbie Walker, a designer and builder, built a pair of off-grid shipping containers in Mansfield for his family to stay in. With many of the neighbouring farms having shipping containers, Robbie decided to...

  • South Coast Shipping House

    Structurally built around 4 shipping containers this project was always about economy, efficiency and how to do as much as possible on a very limited budget. The client’s conviction from the outset was that good architecture does not need to be expensive, and this project attempts to prove the th...

  • House 28

    Architect Ben Edwards created a 44m2 boomerang-shaped house using 3 shipping containers connected by an external deck on steel stilts which sit on top of a hillside. Internally the spaces are lined with marine plywood, the minimalist design is all about framing the view through the trees towards...